
Botswana the ultimate Safari Journey

Explore Botswana on safari one of Africa’s stunning wildlife destinations.
Deep knowledge and experience of the African landscape.
Tourism through conservation supporting local wildlife and communities.
Conserving Africa’s wildlife and a green safari are the way of the future.
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Why Botswana? Discover natural wonders with an undeniable beauty. Remote reserves, and a remarkable flatness that stretches forever.

Discover Botswana’s diverse geography and flat terrain. This is what makes the country one of the most intriguing destinations to visit. The savannah landscape varies from the dry areas of the southwest to the large northern salt pans of the Makgadikgadi.

Experience a luxury African Safari Botswana in the Okavango Delta..

Botswana undeniably one of the most breathtaking wildlife areas in the world. The beautiful Okavango Delta, an inland oasis created by the summer rains from the Angolan highlands each year. Also recognized as the 1000th UNESCO world heritage site.

However in the seasonal months, a diverse range of wildlife emerge. Before an afternoon display of spectacular thunderstorms. During the summer months, wildlife will drink from various waterholes and find shelter in the undergrowth. Desperately trying to escape the midday heat. With the majority of Botswana’s population being made up of Tswana people, local Setswana is widely spoken. Other languages include Kalanga, Sara, Ndebele and certain areas of the country Afrikaans. The San people known as Bushmen or Basarwa are indigenous hunter and gathers, living in various parts of Botswana and Southern Africa today.

Botswana | When to Travel

The Okavango Delta with flowing waterways and beautiful clear days. Each season individually characteristic. Botswana nature, unique by the varying contrast of ecosystems that enable wildlife to be viewed year round.

Elephant Botswana mud wallowing

December to March summer rains begin, the vegetation starts to thicken and the afternoon thunderstorms are spectacular. Wildlife drink from various waterholes, sheltering from the midday heat. Now is the time for many species to give birth to their young and also prime season for avid birders.

As seasons April and May approach the summer rains come to an end. The floodwaters from Angola start their journey down into the Okavango floodplains. The days are becoming clear and night time temperatures start to fall. June to October the once grassy floodplains of the Okavango Delta are now covered, making it a haven for wildlife. The dry season is beginning and game viewing is at its peak. Night temperatures drop dramatically in the drier desert areas, whilst the days are warm and clear. November brings hot humid days with the first imminent rains of summer just around the corner.

Seasons are generally divided into two, however like Malawi there is a transition season.

In the green season, the Okavango floodplains are at their lowest and in some areas are replaced by a grass like green. The larger predators prey on young making for great wildlife interaction and exceptional wildlife photography. The contrast of billowing storm clouds, backdropped against the landscape bring an eerie atmosphere and darkening mood. Summer days in Botswana are hot and the temperatures reach up to 38 degrees, with night temperatures becoming cooler. Migratory birdlife make for excellent sightings and the photographic opportunities are endless. During drier winter months there is virtually little or no rain and low humidity, in the Kalahari make the days more extreme. Waking up to colder mornings, warm days and freezing nights.

December to March summer rains begin, the vegetation starts to thicken and the afternoon thunderstorms are spectacular. Wildlife drink from various waterholes, sheltering from the midday heat. Now is the time for many species to give birth to their young and also prime season for avid birders. As seasons April and May approach the summer rains come to an end. The floodwaters from Angola start their journey down into the Okavango floodplains. The days are becoming clear and night time temperatures start to fall. June to October the once grassy floodplains of the Okavango Delta are now covered, making it a haven for wildlife. The dry season is beginning and game viewing is at its peak. Night temperatures drop dramatically in the drier desert areas, whilst the days are warm and clear. November brings hot humid days with the first imminent rains of summer just around the corner.

Region Focus

Exceptional wildlife photography, arid desert plains, majestic waterways and islands.

The Okavango Delta a wetland oasis within a desert, ancient valleys and white salt pans. The area has untamed beauty and plenty of wildlife opportunities. Each wildlife site in Botswana includes a special uniqueness. A magic that will never be forgotten.

Chobe National Park in the north with a high concentration of elephant, lush floodplains and the Chobe River. Incredible major features for wildlife viewing in the dry season.

The Central Kalahari vast, remote, arid, flat, and desert dunes are covered in a scrub like appearance. Summer rains bring the desert to life, a contrast of plains game, newborn calves and darkening storm clouds. Nomadic San, Bushmen and Basarwa residing in the area for thousands of years continue to pass on age old traditions.

Intimate island camps, pods of grunting hippos and playful elephants are the Okavango Delta. Changing seasons, waterways of the delta floodplains gradually start to fill. Wildlife abundant on the water’s edge, mokoros glide along with only a touch of sound. One of nature’s natural wonders a wetland oasis, a wildlife sanctuary and raw untouched beauty. This epic journey of water that travels down the Okavango River through Caprivi originating from the Angolan highlands. A mere distance of 1300km before spanning out to what makes the fan like shape we see today. The delta covers and area of approximately 15,000 and can extend up to 22,000 square kilometres during the wet season, it comprises of meandering waterways, grass edged lagoons, various shaped islands and lush vegetation.

Fascinating termite mounds, leopards and mopane woodlands in Linyanti.

Remote wilderness and a quietness greets you on arrival at Linyanti’s airstrip. The landscape and mopane woodlands are a haven for wild dog, lions and leopard. Just sitting patiently for their prey. The Linyanti river, creates a spectacular arena for hippos, elephants and beautiful African sunsets. Often red lechwe and sitatunga inhabit these marshy areas, while elephants predominantly visit in the drier winter months. Linyanti is also known for cheetah and hyena. The endangered wild dog stronghold, a major feature of this area, also includes the striking roan and sable antelope. Often seen eating their preferred broad leafed, woodland trees.

Blanket of stars, a desert with a touch of the unknown is Central Kalahari.

Observant Meerkats, San bushmen and black-maned lions, are only a few mammals that call this expansive desert reserve home. Bright stars blanket the sky in the cool of night and in the dry seasonal months. The days are teaming with wildlife.

Rainfall remains nearly non existent in the summer months with thunderstorms being an exception. They are generally brief and erratic. Striking characteristics of sand dunes, arid desert plains, salt pans, ancient river beds and nomadic bushmen, are only a few of the features that make up this vast wilderness.

Quite significant wildlife populations in the Kalahari, are impressive with herds of springbok, gemsbok and red hartebeest. Plains game move seasonally between the dunes and valley, with winter game concentrating around waterholes.

The smaller mammals such as meerkat, bat eared – cape foxes and the desert pygmy mouse can also be seen. If you are really lucky maybe even a striped hyena!

Unlike no other, the land is a magnificent contrast to northern area’s of Botswana.

*Please note for parents travelling with children under the age of 18 certain entry requirements are needed. For more information on our Botswana Safaris feel free to give us a call or alternatively pop us an email!